Don’t you think that since the entire theme of the feature (Best of Detroit, June 2013) was superheroes, that maybe you should have included “best comic book store”? As a reader who visits family in Detroit from time to time, I was particularly interested to make sure that I included the choice for comic book store in my itinerary this summer.
— Marq (by email from Houston)
Normally, we’d be excited to attend your function (Best of Detroit party) since so many of the restaurants we frequent are prominently featured. Unfortunately, we read your hatchet job on the City of Detroit (June 2013) and decided to pass. What possessed your staff to parody a movie that the vast majority of your subscribers would never attend? Less gore is displayed in the nightly national news coverage of two wars … If it were at all possible, your artistic license should be revoked. June 2013 is definitely not your finest Hour.
— Michael J. Brochert
I had an amazing time at the 2013 “Best of Detroit” Party. It was great to be recognized as — and party with — the rest of the “Superheroes of the Motor City“! Definitely one of the best events of the year! The food was outstanding [and] I was thoroughly impressed with the Killer Flamingos. They are an amazing party band. Thanks again to you, the readers, for voting The B. Williams Experiment “Best Local Band” for 2013. Forever grateful!
— Brandon Williams (via Facebook)
The new Hour magazine (July 2013) arrived this afternoon. In golf, in life, and in most things, timing is everything. “The Seen” page celebrating an Evening With Paula Deen probably will cost you subscribers since she has been accused of racial slurs and has lost her Food Network job. The article on the Detroit mayoral race was pretty darn good, but timing again intervened, and a prime candidate is no longer in the race. No matter! It is a wonderful publication this month — and that includes the article on candidates for mayor. That brings me to the article on Detroit-style pizza. I wanted to pass the issue on to my 97-year-old mother, but she will have to wait a few days, because I need to read that article slowly and more than once. The article that follows on Michigan beers will also require very close reading.
— J. Schulte
Editor’s Note:
Moving target alert … Mike Duggan’s back in the race … probably!