8 Degrees of Expansion

Brigid Beaubien and Tim Costello are bringing their Plato craft beer concept to Detroit

Craft beer has been relentlessly edging in on the sales of macro-produced offerings over the past decade. Finding a good selection of craft beer in Detroit’s city limits, however, has been an issue.

Many stores in Detroit have begun to carry a small selection of craft beer alongside the big boys, but not to the extent that craft beer lovers would like to see.

Enter Brigid Beaubien and Tim Costello.

Their 8 Degrees Plato beer store concept in Ferndale has been such a success, the Detroit residents decided to expand operations and open a second, more ambitious location in their hometown.

The selection in the Detroit location will vary from that at the Ferndale store, Costello explains. “It’s a different county, so our distributors may be limited in what we can stock. What isn’t changing is the basic formula that has brought us success. We will focus on craft beer and imports with a heavy emphasis on local and Michigan products. We will tailor stock levels to the taste and budgets of the area residents, but we will always carry quality products.”

Another thing that will be different: the 2,500 square-foot location will offer a minimum of 15 tap handles and a small seating area so customers can enjoy a beer or snacks while shopping. Although they will be serving beer in the store, they will maintain store hours instead of bar hours.

“Fridays will be special, although different than the Ferndale location,” says Costello. “In Detroit, we will have Food Truck Fridays, where a revolving line-up of food trucks will be around.”

The new location at 3409 Cass is projected to open June 1. The space formerly housed an appliance store, a Chinese laundry, and a variety of other businesses.

Costello, a former comedian, joked about the location. “It’s not quite Midtown or the Cass Corridor. Maybe you could say Mid-Corridor or Cass-town. I better just go with Detroit. We’re on Cass across from the Burton Theater in Detroit.”

A special collaborative sour beer from 8 Degrees Plato and Right Brain Brewery will be on draft for the grand opening.

8 Degrees Plato is also in the process of hiring staff for the new location. “We’re looking for people knowledgeable in the world of craft beer to help run the store,” Costello says. Interested parties can find out more details at www.8degreesplato.com.

Construction progress


Having Fun to Raise Funds

To help cover construction costs, Beaubien and Costello are throwing the Better Than A Kickstarter Comedy Show at the Rustbelt Market in Ferndale on April 23.

The show will feature comedians Dave Dyer and Kate Brindel, with Costello hosting.

There will be a silent beer auction as well, with a diverse collection of items including gift cards, cider and beer from a variety of manufacturers like Vander Mill and Atwater, and a selection of exclusives “from the collection of a certain moustachioed northern lower peninsula brewer.”

Each ticket is $60, but comes with some perks, including 3 drink tickets for the show, Hippo Hot Dogs, snack foods, and a 4 pack of Axiom (an all grain Belgian Trippel) to take home. Axiom is a collaborative brew from 8 Degrees Plato and Greenbush Brewing. Axiom will also be available after the event at the Ferndale location until supplies run out.

Tickets to the event are available now online here or at the Ferndale store without service fees.

Yes, Virginia, Beaubien and Costello are helping push the craft beer movement, and 8 Degrees Plato has been named the Unofficial Official Beer Store of the City of Detroit and Southeast Michigan (UOBSCDSM).

This is what happens when you mix comedy and beer.


8 Degrees Plato

611 W. 9 Mile Road
Ferndale, MI 48220

Detroit (Coming Soon)
3409 Cass
Detroit, MI 48201
