Madcap Coffee Goes Minimal on Design and Big on Caffeine

The Grand Rapids coffee shop has expanded to Detroit
Madcap Coffee
The Parker's Alley coffee shop is located just behind the Shinola Hotel.

Madcap Coffee

Since 2008, third-wave coffee house Madcap Coffee has been selling craft-roasted beans and caffeinated beverages out of its three outposts in Grand Rapids. In March, the company decided to make the 160-mile trek eastward and established a location in Detroit’s Parker’s Alley, just behind the Shinola Hotel.

The space is small but steadfast in its commitment to minimalistic design. The walls, which are made of stark white brick, are contrasted by black signage, trimmings, and bar stools. “We want to let the coffee speak for itself,” says Leah Ritsema, Madcap’s account manager. “Our cafes are intended to be an extension of our product.”

Madcap Coffee, 1431 Farmer St., Detroit; 888-866-9091; Mon-Fri. 7 a.m.-7 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m.-7 p.m., Sun. 8 a.m.-5 p.m.